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New to Strong Tower? We'd Love to Connect and Walk With You.

New to Strong Tower?

You might be wondering, what's it really like at Strong Tower? Simply stated, we're all about Jesus and people. You won't be met with shame, guilt, or condemnation, we don't care how you're dressed or what candidate you voted for. Our church is made up of imperfect people with every kind of story imaginable.

Want to know the best part? No matter what you've been through or what questions you might have about God and faith, our church is a place where you'll find the love, grace, and forgiveness Jesus gives to everyone.

What's more, we'd love to connect with you so we can continue walking with you through life. Simply fill out the short form below so we can start connecting

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I am still in the learning process about who God is and understanding the Bible and with my wife and my strong Tower family I can say I am learning and loving my journey. I put my faith in God all the time and he has never let me down.-Richard Williams