Our Story

How it all started...

In October of 2013, pastor David and lady Vera began a monthly bible study in their home. Eventually the gatherings outgrew the capacity of their home, so they began to hold what would be called Selah Saturdays in the local bowling alley. After several months of facilitating these meetings, the Lord placed on the heart of pastor David that it was time to formalize these meetings into a legal and official fellowship. From this conviction, on January 1, 2015, Strong Tower Christian Fellowship was birthed. Though officially incorporated in January, the first meeting of Strong Tower on March 21, 2015. The initial meeting was held in the Four Oaks Room at the Clayton Center in Clayton, NC. 

Expanding the vision...

Within a few short weeks, Strong Tower grew with two families joining. Less than 6 months later, in October 2015, with prayer and by faith, Strong Tower relocated to a larger facility at 11704 US 70 Business Hwy W, Clayton, NC. Having acquired a larger and more permanent space Within this new space Strong Tower was better equipped to serve the community and became a well known name within the Town of Clayton. As a result of increased service Strong Tower again began to grow.  While growing, many additional opportunities to learn and serve were introduced to the congregation. Refresh Wednesdays, our bible study meeting, was launched on every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays. This model was important to pastor David and lady V as it provided time for families to spend together on the weeks the church did not meet. In addition to Refresh Wednesday, auxiliary ministries including; men and omen, youth, outreach, hospitality, music, media, and others  were also formed. In addition to ministries Strong Tower also launched initiatives including health symposiums, partnering with local elementary schools to support local families in need, partnering with Harbor Shelter, House of Hope, and Habitat for Humanity to serve and assist in providing for our community members in need.

Where we are Now...

In 2023 Strong Tower faced a familiar challenge, space. After time searching and praying about the future of Strong Tower, it became clear that God was preparing us to exit the comfort that we had found in Clayton. In November of 2023, God opened a door that would lead us to Knightdale, NC. The prophetic word that 2024 would be our Year of Faith was released, and in response we adopted the theme of "Just Jump". This theme fueled our confidence to leap from our place of comfort, by faith, toward our place of promise. Early in 2024 we were able to acquire and renovate a space to hold worship service and to launch our community service initiatives. Now settled into our new space, we are filled with excitement about what God will produce through us. We are committed to our mission to bring edification, exhortation, and comfort to the people of God through authentic worship, outreach, service, preaching and teaching. We pray for continued impact to our community as we uplift the name of Jesus.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 10:30 am.
And on 1st and 3rd Wednesday nights at 7:00pm.